
The eclectic nature of random ramblings and what's new at DOLL-WORLD,...

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Our BLOG offers a variety of whimsical as well as practical advice on doll collecting … and other aspects of everyday life. Look for DIY Project Tutorials and more amazing content coming soon!

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Keep up to date on the latest fun fashion doll finds and doll collecting ideas at DOLL-WORLD!

NEWSLETTER. We send short, sweet, and to the pointemail updates about once a month to summarize changes to our website. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out on the latest updates to our website!Our NEWSLETTERS are arrive by email around once a month and are . Easy to subscribe/unsubscribe – pretty much hassle-free!

  • New merch available in our shop
  • The latest discounts and coupon deals
  • What’s currently on sale
  • And the latest amusing/weird blog rant on the strange and wonderful world of doll collecting

BLOG. “Eclectic” is a generously mild term to describe the nature of our blog articles. We aim to entertain with oddball articles and ideas to help you make the most of your doll collection while enjoying everyday life. We’d love to have you contribute your own articles and DIY projects to share on our website. Contact us if interested!