
Connect with other members - ask questions, send messages, and more...

Click on the red EASY BUTTONS below to access member connection areas where you can personally interact with other DOLL-WORLD community subscribers in public FORUMS or individually through PRIVATE MESSAGING. You can also access these areas using the main menu links under “Community Connections.”

Click the red button above to access the FORUMS. If you are signed in, you can access your Forum Account.

The FORUMS offer a community area where members can ask doll-related questions and give answers, post about their dolls, and (eventually) buy, sell, and trade doll items in a community format. Messages on the forum are visible to the public.

Click the red button above to access the PRIVATE MESSAGING area. If you are signed in, you can access your Messagaing Account.

PRIVATE MESSAGING allows members to contact other members and leave messages, as well as retrieve messages left for them by other members. These messages are private between the interacting members.

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Help us build a doll community that will benefit everyone who chooses to join!
Make a post on our forums!

  • A member account allows interaction. Nearly everything on the DOLL-WORLD website can be viewed without signing into an account. However, signing in allows the user to interact with different areas of the website and with other members.
  • A Community is built by the people within the community. Active participation and a large cohesive group is key to creating a vibrant community. The “build it and they will come” approach is not necessarily the best option for growing a vibrant social group, but it’s the best option we have for now, until we can devote more time to branching out toward various established social media platforms. Meanwhile, as we continue to perfect our community-building skillset, we invite you to enjoy the other aspects of the DOLL-WORLD site – exploring unique doll finds and sharing doll information with your friends,