
What the heck is Marketing ... and how's it supposed to work?

Yes, it’s time for THAT talk…

Saying the word “Marketing” makes most peoples’ eyes glaze over in unknowing disinterest. It might as well be an obscure magical incantation that produces invisible results. While professionals in the field rely on marketing to analyze demographics and improve sales prospects, most of the rest of us don’t have a clue what marketing is, or how it’s supposed to work.

Grab your favorite beverage and get comfy…

Nobody really wants to talk about Marketing and Selling, because nobody really wants to do marketing. Most people are not natural-born salespeople. But hey, in the world of social media, if you want to be noticed, you have to play the marketing game. We at DOLL-WORLD are certainly no experts, but we’re here to set up the board and the pieces for “Marketing Game Night.” Hopefully some of what we discuss will be of help without turning this into a mind-numbing session of hypnotism-by-boredom. So put on your brave-shades and scroll down for more…

DOLL-WORLD is here to tell you everything you never wanted to know about Marketing.
Buckle up, Buttercup, cuz it’s gonna be a really rough ride. Ready? Here we go…

For most people, Marketing SUCKS. For most normal people, that is. For them, Marketing is like an unsolved murder mystery. There’s a body – a very scary body – and no one can figure out how it got there or what happened to it. That’s the feeling most people get when they face the challenge of “doing some marketing.” Terms like “brand positioning” and “target audience” and “funneling” might as well be part of a foreign language that no “regular” person understands.

Leave it to the professionals. There are some savvy people out there – bright, hard-working – who understand obscure marketing terms and are always coining new ones to keep the uninitiated forever bamboozled. These people know their way around an advertising office like a high-class pick-pocket in a suit and tie, prowling an upscale bar lounge full of half-drunk people. These professionals are way out of the league of “regular” people, so let’s move on to…

The baffling enigma of the self-made social media star commonly known as an influencer. These charismatic, beautiful people know how to engage with their target audience and work the crowd like a snake oil salesman in a top hat, charming the pants off an entranced mob. That’s the influencer. (If you happen to be an influencer, here, of all places, reading this… And, holy cats, why would you be? …you have our sincerest apologies for any perceived insult.) For every social media algorithm, there’s at least a hundred influencers ready to tell you something you didn’t even realize you wanted – needed – to know. Like how to make millions in your spare time. They lay out the tricks of the trade in easy-to-understand steps that sound so deceptively simple, you know they can’t possibly work. And in reality, they probably don’t work. Yet you – now desperate to discover the secrets of instant wealth – will sit through a 17-minute video, only to come away feeling just as hopeless and confused as before. But the influencer “made you look,” getting you to do or buy something you wouldn’t normally, and you’re left wondering how that happened.

And THAT’S Marketing. LOL! Now let’s take a look under the hood
and see how it’s “supposed” to work…

This is that “Verbose Missive” you were warned about…



Take a drink of your favorite beverage every time you read the name