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We ain’t in Kansas anymore…

The totally non-sequitur title of this blog article has nothing to do with Kansas or the Wizard of Oz, for that matter, but simply sets the stage for another off-the-wall fantasy-land post. This is, in fact, a roundabout continuation of the last post about headless dolls and cheap dresses. (If you haven’t read that post and dare to do so, feel free to come back to this post when you’re done.)

To recap briefly, I was doing some doll stash cleaning and ran across a box of “crappy” dresses. How crappy? you might be wondering. So crappy, I was tempted just to toss the whole box in the dumpster and never look back. (Maybe I’ll still do that.) But then I thought, Surely there’s a whimsical and funny way to deal with these unfortunate pitiful over-the-top taffeta garments. Which brings me to discuss a new dress category in our DOLL-WORLD shop – ALICE’S TEA PARTY AND DRESS SHOP.

Imagine dear Alice has stayed in Wonderland for so long, she’s become accustomed to its strange workings and has endeared herself to nearly all its weird residents, gradually displacing the hated and feared Red Queen as a benevolent ruler of the realm. One thing Alice loves to do is have parties – specifically tea parties. Lavish affairs deep in the woods with all her favorite friends. Of course, in honor of these occasions, everyone dresses in their finest fineries – whatever that may entail for each individual.

With that story line in mind, our shop category description reads: To Alice’s tea parties dolls must go – in outrageous cosplay to steal the show. This shop’s the place to find what to wear – overboard lace and taffeta fare. Relax with some tea and have a look … at what’s tucked deep inside this nook. The dresses are cheap, but no one minds. With prices so low, these are real finds! Some luck and skill might help fix the mess, resulting in a passable dress. There’s fabric aplenty – that’s just a start. Be brave and creative – load up your cart!

Of course, I couldn’t stop there. In full-fledged poetry mode (I know, I’m terrible at poetry but cannot help myself), I came up with a scenario for the blue-haired doll I recently Frankendollied from a stash of doll heads and bodies. Enjoy. (Or don’t. Your choice!)

Alice's Tea Party

~There and Here~

“Tea time’s at three,” announced the White Hare,
Giving his watch a serious stare.
“Why aren’t you ready, girl? Go prepare!
“Look at you! My! Not a moment to spare!”

Taken aback by his haughty glare,
In my defense, I rushed to declare,
“I’ve been invited? I wasn’t aware!
“No letter or card or whisper, I swear!”

“A summons for you? Admittedly rare.
“Don’t you recall the parrot’s corsair?
“The green bird addressed you, so debonair.
“A vigilant person might show more care.”

“Oh yes, that pirate did give me a scare!
“Approaching so boldly at my front stair.
“The parrot made mention of tea – that’s fair.”
Object any further, I did not dare.

“Alice’s soirées are quite the affair.
“People of import will all be there.
“Even the Red Queen an invite did snare.
“And Hatter’s promised new gossip to share!”

“The queen? Oh my goodness!” I gasped for air.
“With all of that pomp and finery fare,
“I’ve nothing remotely proper to wear!
“The pressure’s too much! I can’t compare!”

Hare vested his watch and stood by my chair,
Assessing the state of my wardrobe’s lair.
“That pile of ribbon and lace – au contraire!
“You’ve dresses aplenty. The problem’s your hair.”

I touched my head softly. “I lack the right flare.
“It takes too much work and seems so unfair.
“Not even the best shoes will make things square.
“And I’ve never been there – I don’t know where!”

“No worries, my dear, do not despair.
“Nothing couture skill cannot repair.
“A princess you’ll be, with no flaw or tear.
“You’ll outshine them all – with your feet bare.”

“As to location – it’s secret. Beware!
“Find and follow the black horse nightmare.
“In the dark woods seek two trees, a matched pair.
“Eat of the fruit – it will taste like a pear.”

“Follow your shadow, and laughter you’ll hear.”
“When you get close, the path will be clear.
“Alice’s tea parties are not to fear.
“Good fun, good friends, and always good cheer.”

“Get yourself ready, my fretful dear.
“The time to party is very near.
“As your one friend, when you need me, I’m here.
“Although sometimes I do tend to sneer.”

I nodded, chagrined. “You can be austere.
“Once in a while, you do domineer,
“Much like a pocket watch time brigadier.
“But never mislabeled as insincere.”

The Hare’s vexation was painfully sheer.
Said he, unrelenting to my slight smear,
“To fashion only, never adhere.
“Clothing alone cannot make you premier.”

“A dress only changes how you appear.
“And shoes point the way but can never steer.
“Be who you are. Don’t let looks interfere.
“To shine with the best, you must persevere.”

I saw anew my unlikely peer.
One with impressive ears I revere.
Even when pointing out faults seemed severe,
Hare’s sage advice was the best of the year.

Emerging from my own little sphere,
Much bolder, happier – I volunteer!
No more will I be shy like a deer,
But set the social scene on its ear.

I rushed to my wardrobe fashion frontier,
Vowing to try something more cavalier.
Eyes at the party, my dress will sear.
In life, like a cake, I’ll be top tier!

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